It took a while for this one to get going, but once it did, wow! Stopmotion is an interesting mix of slow-burn psychological horror and in-your-face body horror. The creepiness factor builds throughout the film, thanks in large part to Caoilinn Springall's performance as the young (and perhaps unwanted) apprentice to the creation of the stop motion film.
The excerpts from the in-progress movie add a lot to the unsettling tone, especially as things advance and the materials used for the puppets grow more and more bizarre.
I wasn't sure I was going to make it through the entire movie as the first several scenes are really slow with too-long shots of facial expressions extended pauses in dialogue. I'm very glad I stuck with it. I'm giving this one a B+ only because of the extremely slow start. Otherwise, it would have been a solid A. Streaming on Shudder.